Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why Sugar Scrubs are Beneficial Year Round

I wanted to get caught up and introduce our newest additions to our Product Line, our Sugar Scrubs.  If you haven't tried a sugar scrub, now is the time!  Okay, seriously, sugar scrubs are one of the most natural and beneficial items to add to your beauty routine year round.

So, what exactly are they benefits of sugar scrubs?  Sugar can help skin naturally glow because of its fine texture. Unlike some skincare products, sugar scrubs don’t clog your pores, preventing you from icky breakouts, making them great for people who suffer from eczema and psoriasis. Sugar scrubs act as natural exfoliators that are better than using chemical based products. Despite its grainy feel, sugar in a scrub is gentle enough to be used on the skin and protects against the loss of moisture. Surprisingly, the use of sugar scrubs in your skincare routine can also help eliminate blemishes and restore balance to the skin’s natural oils.

Unlike a salt scrub, sugar scrubs do not dry the skin. A sugar scrub is alpha-hydroxy rich. Alpha-hydroxy is an active substance with exfoliating and emollient properties.

This is a quick list of all the benefits you will see after using our sugar scrubs:
  • Sugar scrubs are the most perfect way of getting rid of the dry, flaky skin that develops over the day.
  • Sugar scrubs are user-friendly for all skin types because they leave no side effects in their wake.
  • They work wonders in preventing skin ailments like eczema and psoriasis because they hydrate skin so effectively.
  • Sugar scrubs are a great way to fight cellulite in the body.
  • Sugar scrubs for face are used not only for skin exfoliation, but also for cleansing and massaging it. The advantage of which is that they do not clog the pores and are easily absorbed into the skin. Thus, sugar scrubs for acne are a great idea to help prevent acne.
  • They act as the all body polishing agents as well, leaving clean and smooth skin. This is because they are packed with the goodness of alpha hydroxy which is essential for a glowing skin.
  • Repeated use of sugar scrubs will help one to have healthier, glowing, uniformly textured and colored skin.
  • They are a much better choice than salt scrubs because they aren't as harsh as salt scrubs and are much smoother than them.
  • Sugar scrub benefits also include the fact that they can be used by children without any side effects.
  • Sugar scrubs can be used as a soothing agent after a rough shave.
  • Sugar scrub benefits also run into the fact that they can circulate and stimulate the lymph nodes.
  • It acts as a preventive measure against tanning.
  • Everyday use will also help to formulate a protective layer for the skin and prevent areas like the knees, elbow, etc. from becoming dark.
  • It works on the toughest of skins while providing it with the richness that it deserves.
  • Sugar scrub benefits can also be seen in healing of blemishes.
  • Sugar scrubs can be used on the lips as well. Sugar scrubs for lipsworks wonders because it helps in preventing chapped lips and skin.
  • It also helps to soften callused and rough skin, leaving it smooth and fragrant.
  • It is much more smoother for the skin than the use of pumice stones and the like.
  • Sugar scrub benefits also include the reduction in use of separate skin moisturizers and cleansers because it has moisturizing properties incorporated.
  • Sugar scrubs also help to absorb the oils and dirt from the skin and balance the natural oils.
  • It helps to keep the skin constantly hydrated and radiant.
Our sugar scrubs additionally go the extra step of added natural herbs and teas for a rounded, targeted benefit to meet your skins needs.  I will be adding many more sugar scrubs in the days to come, each designed to target specific needs, making it easy for you to find the perfect one for you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the benefit list on sugar scrubs! I love sugar scrubs better the the salt.


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