We have all seen the ads promising we will look 10,15, or 20 years younger if you buy whatever it is they are selling. The truth behind many of these products is that while you may convince yourself it is working, over time, the long term damage to your skin in irreverseable.
I have many times been asked what my suggestions are for dealing with the affects of aging on your skin. My answer, start with Shea Butter. Shea butter is one of Nature's wonders, but it is a special one. It has been used for millennia by many generations of African people for skin care, baby care, healing and food. The Shea tree is considered sacred because of the bounty of goodness it can do for your skin, hair, beauty and health. The secret of Egyptian Queen Nefertiti's legendary beauty, Shea Butter is powerful enough to renew, repair and protect the skin against aging and harsh climate.
Extracted from the nuts of the Shea tree (Butyrospermum parkii), which grows in the savannah of Western Africa. The English name Shea comes from its Bambara name "sii", which means sacred. As a sacred tree, it is treated with particular respect.. Growing up to 60 feet tall, the Shea tree does not flower before it is 20 years old and can live up to 200 years. What makes Shea butter an extraordinary skin care choice and an amazing body healer is its richness in precious constituents, which include unsaturated fats with a large proportion of "unsaponifiables" components, essential fatty acids, phytosterols, vitamin E and D, provitamin A and allantoin. All these are natural and make Shea butter a superfood for your skin (and hair), but that is not all it can do for you because it is:
- Wrinkles, fine lines and scars repairing
- Anti-inflammatory
- Deeply moisturizing
- Stimulating for the superficial microcirculation
- Skin strengthening
- Skin protecting
- UV protecting
- Skin regenerating
- Collagen production stimulating (makes the skin stronger, more supple and younger)
- Minor cuts and burns healing
- Muscle ache healing
- Physical endurance enhancer
- eczema
- psoriasis
- rash
- hives
- insect bites
- poisonous plants contact dermatitis
- skin cracks
- burns
- minor cuts
Shea butter is very beneficial for sportive men and women, as it prepares the muscles before the workout and helps them to recover faster after. It also helps to reduce muscle aches as it stimulates the elimination of toxins from the muscles.
Shea butter is a "super food" for your skin!
Try our Shea Butter based soaps and look for our new Shea Butter Body Lotion and Shea Butter and Oatmeal Facial Soap, coming soon.
So glad to have found your blog :) Love your products!